7 Temmuz 2012 Cumartesi

Tee -Shirt Time! MAKE YOUR OWN and Send It In!

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OK OK! This Topic needs it's own space! Got a great idea? Make your own "Tee Shirt" and send it in to the address at the bottom of the post. You can simply put your words on a shirt, use clip art, whatever you want that is not copyrighted. Do not use pictures from the Brown Family Website. All our pictures are up for grab. You may use paint.net, or any program, we all have on on our computer usually. PLEASE use this picture to make the Tee Shirt. Want to get Fancy? Used to Gimp? Me neither! But, if you google "how to use", or how to layer, etc., you get great pages to instructions, even youtube step by step. Gimp program is a free download. Good at creating? Help others by posting good, quick, short instructions to how to use paint or gimp. Shirts can be on anything related to Polygamy or Sister Wives. 



Send to: sister.wives.blog.usa@gmail.com
Be sure to to tell us what "Name" to use when we post them. Even the simplest can be funny! I can't wait to see what everyone makes! Don't delay, create today! We will post them soon.

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