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I just have to get something off my ample chest.
Not only have Meri and Robyn changed the photo on their Twitter avatar (guess it beats the egg I have), Robyn has changed her background color.
Now, I don't have a problem usually with backgrounds. Or colors. But Robyn's retina searing bright yellow (with a definite orangy tint) is...well...a bit too much. Don't get me wrong, I love yellow. I painted my bathroom a beautiful light lemon yellow once. But this overly bright orangy yellow just screams a forced cheerfulness from Robyn.
Methinks the honeymoon is finally over. Well, at least we can be thankful she couldn't pipe "Don't Worry, Be Happy" as background music on her twitter page as well. Thank you Twitter !!
What could possibly be worrying our dear Robyn? Oh, I don't know...she does have that huge McMansion to pay for...maybe Kody said "Hell NO" when she asked for a maid. Or maybe she's finally realizing how much she's in, way over her head, both financially and plural marriagely (I made up a word, ya'll).
Let's ponder this situation while we peruse her recent tweets, shall we?
Interesting quote, isn't it? Being that Kody is not the best example of fatherhood, Robyn tweeting this quote is almost like she's passive aggressively shooting that proverbial warning shot across the bow of Kody's surferdude ship. So Kody, from the thoughts of your favorite wife Robyn, be aware that your actions speak louder than your words. And cut that damn hair and get a REAL JOB!
Okay, why can't she look in the yellow pages or on the internet like the rest of us mortals? I also wonder what kind of insurance Robyn has if she's asking her fans about a dentist. What if the dentist isn't in her network? Funny, did I miss Kim Kardashian tweeting her fans for a gynecologist? Or Heidi Montag tweeting her fans for a new, affordable plastic surgeon?
Weird...really weird.
On the 21st of February, Robyn tweeted this plaintive twat...
And then on the 22nd of February, she twatted...
Hmmm..... and then we have on the same day...
I should have said early morning, because the 2/22/13 twats were tweeted at 2:00AM and 4:00AM... Interesting that Robyn keeps such late hours. Sounds to me like Baby Sol ruined her 'night' with Kody, and then the next night (or morning), she had to consoled herself with #memories because Kody was warming someone else's bed and she was >>choke<< lonely. No wonder she changed that twitter background - she must really be feeling blue!
Poor, poor Robyn. At least her mom and "dad" got together for a brief moment. I wonder if Robyn's mom had a honeymoon experience with dear old "dad". He's looking kind of happy in this picture...if you know what I mean.
In contrast, we have Janelle's twats, which just goes to show she may not be the most svelte of the wives, her children are the more accomplished.
Case in point, Janelle's tweet about Hunter. She even explains his nickname!
And let's not forget that Maddie was elected Student Body President!!!!
How about the fact that Janelle and Christine are now "employed"....
That leaves Meri and Kody...we know they are involved somewhat with that MLM green koolaid job...but that's kind of died down now. I mean really, when was the last time Meri tweeted about having a get together, or traveling to Utah for a meeting. But you have to read their facebook page to see that they were
recruiting inviting folks at a crafts show to benefit ovarian cancer on Saturday. A grateful fan thanked Meri for being "...such an approachable and pleasant lady". The fan was so impressed she wrote that she can't wait to bring all her friends to Meri's next open house.
Yowza...Let's hope MSWC did donate the SOMETHING(besides their presence) to the event, because otherwise it looks like they used it to benefit their family's wallet. Well, those McMansions weren't free ya know... but damn!
That's all for now, and remember that I Scour the Internet so you don't have to!!!
PS...Here's hoping that Denzel wins!!