14 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Best Kody Statements and Serendipitous Buzz Words.

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Calling on all posters to put their thinking cap on and help make a list for future reference and fun posts!

1. What is your favorite "KODY" line? Comment from the show? We know he's had some doozies over the years. Please post them! If you remember, might put when he said it, but that's not a huge importance. 
2. Serendipitous Buzz words - Validate, lifestyle, autonomy, lover, Dogma, Plural, Plyg(s) you know them, let's get a list of them all together. 
3. Fun 360's he's done. example..."We want to live together!"....oops, I meant short time later, "My wives need to have their own voice, and to express it to me freely, soone wife, isn’t being stifled by the relationship inside the home, with anotherwife."

Any season, any show. I so wish I'd done this from the beginning, so those lines sure do change! Don't forget that Discussion page 6 below is still open~!

                         A HUGE thanks to all that post and help!!

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