Will we learn how these 5 people were able to qualify for almost 2 million dollars in mortgages?
Sadly my friends, we won't learn the answers to all these questions. But let's take a ride on the Brown Family railroad train anyway...
Once again, we are treated to the Browns undergoing yet another interview. Unfortunately, Natalie Morales must have opted out this time, but we did get another seasoned interviewer - NBC's Tamron Hall. Now Ms Hall is no lightweight shrinking violet reporter - just take a look at how she handled a problem interviewee last year ( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/11/tamron-hall-tim-carney-mic-msnbc_n_1510311.html).
But, business first.
As we bid adieu to the Browns at the cuddle sac in the season finale, I'm getting the feeling these people must virtually live there. I can almost hear Kody saying something like...Hey, we paid a bill today. Let's go over to the cul-de-sac! Can you imagine the looks on the faces of the construction workers as the Brown Krew rolls up with kamera krew in tow AGAIN?
When Kody says to Tamron "...I can't have organization without obedience so the chaos will continue..." it is evident that Kody just doesn't get it. He apparently believes the skills of organization and leadership are the direct result of obedience. Perhaps in a Warren Jeffs world, but in a normal society leaders don't go around demanding obedience in order to be an effective. I venture to guess that if Kody's wives and children RESPECTED him, they would LISTEN to what he says. But they have seen his kind of craziness (Kody calls it chaos, I call it craziness) before and they aren't willing to be lead down that road to Perdition once again.
For a scary moment, my mind flashed to an over testosterone driven Kody Brown asking...rather...DEMANDING his four wives and 17 children (some of whom actually share his DNA, poor dears) to OBEY HIM. Then Meri puts him back in his place of total good for nothingness with a few sharp words from her brain in her loud voice.
Yay for Meri!
She's also said the Dargers were good, good friends so I venture to guess she hates their collective 3 wives, one kitchen, living under one roof guts. She most likely won't characterize them as sharks, but more like independent flesh eating piranhas.
But I digress...
Actually, Tamron does try to break through the facade Kody and his Krew have built around themselves. When she says to Kody "When you can't share a kitchen, and you can't live in the same house - it's counter to what you've told me are the joys of plural marriage and being in this together..." Kody was left speechless.
Robyn cooperating with her sister |
Oh yes, just like you cooperated with Christine by watching her children, particularly toddler Truely while she studied for her real estate exam. Let's not forget Robyn bringing in her sister Taralyce to watch her children - basically saying she doesn't trust her children with her sister wives.
Yep, I'm seeing a lot of cooperation. </snark>
Meri then adds "We all interact with each other." Like the little parrot she is, Robyn agrees by saying "Yeah..."
But Tamron shows the Browns she will not let it go when she counters the faux sisterhood the sisterwives are trying to dish out by simply saying to them "...You just can't do it under one roof..." Even Meri couldn't talk her way out of this argument. When she says they have tried living under one roof, and it didn't work, she then tried to justify the failure by saying "...we just know that what we are doing now works really well for us."
Sounds to me like having sister wives isn't all it's cracked up to be, doesn't it?
Like I've been saying all season, Meri could have had that counter space custom built instead of adding 3 bedrooms and an ugly ass sink cabinet against the wall of her great room.
When Tamron asks the Browns if they had a move in date yet, every single one of the adult chimed in Oh no, we're not 100% in these houses, this is all a dream and we stay positive about it (Christine). We haven't purchased them, we just got pre-approval (Kody). We haven't signed on the dotted line. We don't have the keys...blah blah blah.
If they are going to lie, the very least they can do for their audience is to lie QUICKLY.
So it's not surprising when Tamron asks them what their plan B was, the blank look of "Duh...what's a plan B? How do I answer that one?" was clearly visible on the Kody's face. This time it was Robyn's squeaky voice rising above her other sister wives. "We would have to stay where we're at and work on something new" replies Robyn. Ya think? Maybe ya'll would move into 4 doublewides in the Nevada desert, perhaps? That would make for good TV, if you know what I mean...
It is obvious to me they didn't have a plan B because they didn't need one. They would be moving into those McMansions, and they all darn well knew it. Remember Kody giving Meri the ultimatum she had to make her mind up about having a baby by the end of the year? And in the finale Kody saying he wanted to be moved into the homes by Christmas? And don't forget...the leases on the rental homes would be coming up for renewal in January 2013. Those McMansions were a done deal!
Stop wasting the audience's time, Sister Wives producers! We are not stupid, you know!
Of course, Kody tries to weasel his way through the question by saying "We work together..." but Tamron refuses to let him off the hook. "You work together," she says, "but you can't print money!"
Oh oh, Tamron's got Kody once again. And just like before he stumbles over his words, saying " It is reality that...you know...you cast your bread upon the waters. You do the work..." Kody's reply left me wondering if he thought quoting Ecclesiastes would explain his obvious penchant to throw good money after bad. But Tamron was able to get one more turn in the knife she just deposited in his back when she explained "I'm just asking the questions that the viewers, you know, are asking..."
All hell suddenly broke loose as the four sister wives all started speaking at the same time. Eventually, Robyn was able to interrupt the ensuing cacophony of indignant sister wives voices to speak her mind. She explains to Tamron, "When we walked through the houses yesterday, my stomach was sick. I was like - Dear God, Help us make sure we can afford these houses, forever. We definitely have our work cut out for us. But we are determined and it is our goal...."
If I were their mortgage lender, those are not exactly the words that would be giving me a warm fuzzy feeling. Not when almost two million dollars have been spent on four over priced houses for a group of people who's main source of income is a reality show on a channel whose number 1 reality star is a child named Honey Boo Boo.
Nope, I would not be feeling warm fuzzies at all...
Yep, another highlight in the life of a plural wife.
And when Tamron asks who wants more Browns in the family, it seems all the girls say yes. One holdout was Hunter who feels that maybe there are too many Browns in the family right now.
Ah.....Out of the mouths of babes....Made me wonder which sibling (or sister wife) he was considering doing away with!
I guess to answer that question we would need to see more examples of plural families. All in all, I have this feeling that the Brown teenagers are a bit naive in their expectations of the world. On one hand they can be fiercely independent (Maddie) but on the other hand, they can be totally complacent to the plural lifestyle and not really giving much thought at all of whether it is harmful or not(Aspyn and Mariah). I'm left feeling a bit worried about people taking advantage of them.
As the interview winds down, Tamron turns back to the adults. Of course, Kody brings up the mission statement. It's obvious he feels the mission statement in some way will bring his families together as one family. I have a feeling, however, that won't happen, not without some real thought and effort being put into the statement's construction. And when Christine mentions the re-commitment ceremony, it becomes painfully obvious someone is feeding this to the Browns as a way to spice up their TV show. Let's face it, if the Browns were as committed to their religion as they are to their TV show, would they really need a ceremony to prove it?
I think Robyn's own words explains what's really going on - "We want it to be an event". Yep, suitable for filming and manufactured to increase ratings...Right? Right.
And on that note, the show is over.
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