The Anderson Cooper and TLC book giveaways do not count. C'mon Browns! I want to see you signing books, and smiling, and answering questions and stuff! You can even have one of those big ole' bottles filled with that green stuff you sell sitting on the table! Hey, I'll even take a swig or two from it!
Is that too much to ask?
Let's take a look at what's been going on with Kody and his Sister Wives. Now, in case ya'll missed it, when the new season of Sister Wives premiered on 5/13/12, not only did Kody's Konkubines kommit to having one of those fun-filled chats on their FRIEND ONLY Facebook fanpage, their publisher, Gallery Books, also kommited Kody and his plus fours to tweeting, TWEETING to Twitter fans during the premiere showing!
The Browns. Doing more than one thing at a time. Answering questions. Thinking. Tweeting.
Surprise surprise! Even Kody tweeted...at least I think it was Kody. You be the judge....Here's a sampling of the tweets:
Hells bells, Kody. It's HANUKKAH. I suppose we should be thankful you were able to get Joseph Smith right. (For the record, Christine couldn't spell Hanukkah either.)
I know its dangerous (I do value my brain and I know I'll miss the brain cells destroyed by my reckless action), but I ventured over to the FRIEND ONLY facebook page. I thought oh well, what the heck. Maybe losing a few brain cells won't be THAT bad.
Well, let me tell you, it was WORTH IT! Seems like Robyn reverted back to her old 'loose lips sink ships' behavior and blabbed something to a fan. Here's a short transcript of the convo.
Enthusiastic Fan: Did you guys open the gym?
Enthused Robyn: Our investor that we did have wanted something different. So we are still looking for the right person. We haven't given up the dream.
So which investor pulled out, so to speak?
Was it the big time gym owner who was seen in a 'business meeting' with the Browns' last season
OR Was it Bill the Trainer - who Kody described as his "... wifes' trainer and new business partner..."
Is it time to retire Fundamental Fitness to the PipeDream Hall of Fame? I think so. One down, four(LIV, MySisterWife'sCloset, Real Estate license, cul-de-sac houses) to go.
Robyn also mentioned to a fan that, despite the show alluding to Hunter and Robyn being brought together by the birth of Super Sol, their relationship still is not very good. Says Robyn "... Things with Hunter are still a little strained but it is ok. I can't worry about it. I just have to love and accept him wherever he is at in his head. He is just a teen."
Well, at least she didn't call him a monster like Kody did last year. But really, Robyn. You've got to stop talking about real stuff that contradicts your reality show!
Oh, interesting to see that Robyn changed her twitter pic from the "Becoming Sister Wives" cover ( which matched Kody's twit pic by the way) back to her old picture featuring Robyn with Kody.
And somebody had an anniversary this week!!
Which is probably a good thing, because according to this tweet, Robyn was feeling kind of down...
Oh reeeeely? Guess Meri and Kody in Mexico would put a damper on things for you.
OUCH !!!! Looks like somebody is asserting her number one status to all concerned. Makes one wonder what precipitated Meri needing to send out such a strong message. An inquisitive fan asking the WRONG question or saying the WRONG thing perhaps? Hmmm.....No wonder poor Robyn has been having a rough couple of weeks.
But a true milestone occurred this week. There's another adult now in the Browns' household!
And before we leave Brownsville, a number of online newspapers have jumped on the Becoming Sister Wives publicity wagon by writing extremely short articles with excessively sensational titles. For example, examiner.com has an article published 5/23/12 titled 'Sister Wives': Did Kody Brown hide the down side of his polygamist lifestyle? Which talks about Janelle leaving Kody. We already have discussed here on SWB that while Janelle did move out, she did not leave Kody.
And huffingtonpost.com has an article titled: 'Sister Wives' Kody Brown: 'None Of My Wives Can Satisfy All My Needs'.
Funny thing, both the examiner.com and huffingtonpost.com reference radaronline.com as their source. And when you go to radaronline.com you find out...well, I'll let you see for yourself. Here are the links. Enjoy!
That's all for now. So remember, I Scour the Internet so You Don't Have to !!
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